Da Ebil Cat's Adwentuwes.....Pawt 3
Evil cat scrambles to get out of Napalm Beagel Butt Gas Helmet. *POP* Out falls Ashley with green gas filling up the room behind her. *hack..hack..hack* right before evil cat is about to faint she looks up and sees Elvis Beagel walking away and yells. War*cough..hack.*War!
Pssssttt..Gunna! Weez don't know wut is goin on but dis Ninja cat hab been comin ober eber day and twainin evil cat for sumfin big.
I no like da look ob dis....Ashley, I's still watchin' you you know.....iffen it's Bwuce Bagel Lee yoo wants, it's Bwuce Bagel Lee you'll get.....mudda, fetch da nun-chucks.......HIIIIIIIIIIIIIYAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!
Meowwww Beagel! I see those chubby sisters of mine have made you aware of my training with the Tabby Afro Samurai. The great one who trained at the Shuriken School of pussycats. BEWARE Doggie!! Muahhahahaha!!!!
Iz weady whens yoos weady puddytat....wax on....wax off....BONSAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!
Da small pwint: No cats ow dogs wewe hawmed in de makin' ob Ebil Cat. All blue text pwovided by fweelance witers Daisy and Ella Bassets. All udda text pwovided by Gunner ob Beagleshire