Eberyfin smells pwettyy good fwom here!!!

Eberyfin smells pwettyy good fwom here!!!

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Da Wandewer Weturns

Gweetings and salutations!

I habs been away fow a bewy long time and I habs much to weport.

Fiwstly, as weported pweviously, meez blog does do hiding fwom mee. Mee looks fow it and mee can no find it - Iz told Mudda to get down da Polytechnic to gets compooter litewate, but sheez no done dis.

Howeber!!! Weez habs finally cwacked de compooter's twickiness and weez twacked down mee blog! But it's been a long time since meez las' entwy and I habs had many adwentuwes so mee next few blogs will bee catchings up on dem adwentuwes:

Wecently, mee did hab a spot ob boffer wid me cousin Alfie; mee was a bad boy, mudda sez so.

Alfie was outside doing da wee. And I did want da wee too. So I did cock meez leggie and do da wee in Alfie's face.

Mudda was no happy.

Alfie  was eben less happy.

Mee weported dis to meez pals on da Facebook and dey said dat was mean ob mee, but it was no mean. I did need da wee too, hims not da only one dat needed da wee. And Mudda did shout at mee "YOU STOPPIT YOUS DIWTY BEAGLE!!!!!!!" and dats not bewy nice to shout dat in da gawden, where da neighbours could heaw. Not bewy nice at all.

Fank yous fow weading and hewe is a pictuwe ob me and Alfie - hims looks like Chewbacca when Chewbacca does do shouting.

Good ebenings.

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