Dis is de face and da collaw ob de enemy.
Du du dudu du du dudu du du du dudu du du...*Gunna awakes to da smell of smouldering fur...see's firecracker burning right down to the end of it's fuse...shrieks and rips firecracker off, hurling it in the kitchen crockery cupboard...puts on sunglasses and walks out of house in slow motion, with moody atmospheric lighting and opening bars to Rage Against Da Machine (Killing In Da Name) playing...the kitchen cupboard explodes behind him, shards of broken crockery flying everywhere....* I'm comin' for you cat....you best sleep with one eye open.....
*Pulls up at da buttercups house on a gleaming motorbike, wearing sunglasses and a trenchcoat (bearin a strikin wesemblance to Keano Weeves in Da Matrix)....does commando roll acwoss fwont yard and presses against da wall of da house...stealth-clambers up wall of house like spidey-man until at bedroom window...see's sleeping Ashley sprawled out on da pwincesses Coolaroo (DA NERB!!!!)...creeps through window and tiptoes ober to Ashley....wid one flick of da wrists, inverts da bed, forming a shell awound Ashley dats traps her...Gunna gwabs a deep sea divers helmet dat happens to be in da room and pushes it onto puddytat's head....he gwabs da attaching tube and holds it near hims nether-regions...den, an almighty dog-parp does ricochet down da tube, heading straight for Ashley's helmet...* Enjoy da air whilst you does hab it puddytat...I did eats some bwussel spwouts wid dinner last night....*Flicks up his collar and leaves da room, pausing only to look ober his shoulder and see a pea-green faced Ashley desperately scrabbling at da helmet...*
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