Eberyfin smells pwettyy good fwom here!!!

Eberyfin smells pwettyy good fwom here!!!

Monday, 13 February 2012

When Yoos Need a Hewo....

Dis happened awound a week ago:
WE HABS A DANGEW SITUASHON!!! Mummee was eatin' some yoguwt-cobewed fwuit and nuts (da kind yoo gets fwom wholefood shops) and I did want some.

Mummee is gweedy and shee thwew a couple in hew mouf except one did stick in de back ob hew thwoat so shee stawted gaggin' and coffin'...I fort dat dewe was no way shee gonna want mowe yoguwty fwuits, so whilst shee doin' dat, I did dwag da bag off hewe knee and I did dispose ob dem. Fow hew own safety, ob couwse.

Shee was not bewy gwateful fow dis cawing gestuwe I mades and shee gibing mee da ebil eye now. Iz on my guawd.

Weez gonna go owt in da snow now so I wills keep mee eyes peeled in case shee twies to twap mee in an abalanche...

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