Today mummee did feed me waw chickun wings, like what wolves and dinosauws eat.
Shee gab mee da usual soaked bizkwits fow meez dinnew (cept shee gab mee less den nowmal?!?! Less??? Less bizkwits??? Iss yoo mad woman????) but wight in de middle ob de bowl dere was dis pink chickun wing. It did no hab feafers...but it did also no hab cwispy skin....
I asked mudda how long shee did gwill it fow but shee did no gwill it.
I ask hew iffen shee did woast it, but shee no woast it.
I was suwpwised, but I assumes shee habs fwied it....shee sez shee no fwied it. She no spwinkled wiff owegano...shee no wubbed wiff buttew....she no done nuffin to it.
Dis iss a waw chickun wing.
Iz eated all da bizkwits fwom awound da edges ob mee bowl, until dere was jus' dis chickun wingie dere, lookin' up at mee. Iz picked up da wing, taked it to da middle woom and Iz put it down dere and walked awound it and looked at it. Iz had to check iffen it needed killing yoo see, because it did no hab owegano ow bweadcwumbs on it, so it might hab needed killing.
Iz touched it wiff my paw, to see iffen it twied to fly away, but it did not. Den I watched it fow a while, until mudda pwetended shee wanted to eat it hewself and picked it up and den I decided I wanted to eat it, so mummee gab it mee back. Iz twied to tayke it into da libing woom but mummee had shut da doow because shee didn't want mee to mayke da cawpet chickuny, so I went back and sat down in da middle woom and I cwunched and chomped on da wing and den I put it on da floow, all chomped up and wandewed off. Mummee pwetended shee wanted it again, so I took it off hew again and dis time I cwunched it and eated it all, because if I did not, mummee was going to.
Den mudda was weally happee because I eated somefing new, so shee gab mee anuffa one and dis one shee only had to pwetend shee wanted it once because I eated it much quicker den da fiwst and den I came in de libing woom and had a nap. Whilst I did dis, daddee watched Top Geaw and mummee mopped da floow in da middle woom and I dweamt about all da udda fings I would eat if I was a wolf ow a dinosauw.
A very cooll story Gunner you are a brave beagle trying new things- look at you now you are all Wolf/dinosaur!! I am still a thinkin' about doing this for my beagles...I have to think on things a while before I do hem!!