Eberyfin smells pwettyy good fwom here!!!

Eberyfin smells pwettyy good fwom here!!!

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Da Pigs Eaw Heist....

Dis what happened: mudda did bwing me to da gwoomers for me baff and blow dry. At da gwoomers dere is a box ob pig eaws ON DA FLOOW and dey expects me not to help meself.

I did help meself.

Den I did hab me baff and me blow dwy and me nails twimmed and me botty glands hexpressed and I was spwayed wiff da doggy cologne (I asked for Sex Panther, not sure what dey gab me).

Den me mudda collected mee and dis time dey had mobed da pigs eaws onto da counter because me mudda asked dem to because I did help meself.

So I did swipe da box wiff me paws and knock it down. And I did help meself.

Iz da Pig Eaw Champion.
Da Extended wersion....
When we did go in and da box was on da floow, I did lunge and I gwabbed thwee, but I did dwop one, den mudda did wrestle anudder one out me chops, so I did honly manage to scarf da one - mudda twied to take dat one too but I was habing none ob it!!!

On da way out, when dey bwought me out of da gwooming room, dey had moved da box on to da counter, so I did wait until mudda was payin' and had her paw deep in her wallet, den I did stand on me hind leggies and use me big baboon-paws to swipe da box to da floow....da earsies did go EBERYWHERE!!!!

I gwabbed one and den I did wetweat to munch whilst mudda and da gwoomer did pick up da udder earsies...I did fink about cweeping back for anudder earsie whilst dey was pickin' dem up but mudda did gib me DAT LOOK and she said "Don't you dare Mister!!!!" in da SEWIOUS voice so I did decide to stick wiff da one I did alweady hab in me chops.

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