Eberyfin smells pwettyy good fwom here!!!

Eberyfin smells pwettyy good fwom here!!!

Thursday, 19 April 2012

What Time Iss De Mowning anyway?

Dey maykes de wules and den dey flaunts dem!!! Pfffffffffffft!

Dis iss de wules - Gunnah iss in de hooman bed in de mowning. De mowning.

Da wules was dat Gunnah iss in de hooman bed at de weekend in de mowning. And dat was ok. Befowe dat da wules was dat Gunnah does not come upstaiws - dat was tewwible. Awful. Iz neawly took meeself back to de wescoo and handed meeself in. Iz could bawely cope.

But den, da wules was discussed. And impwoved. And now da deal iss dat I comes in de bed in de mowning and hab cuddles dere at meez leasuwe. Dis happens when da mudda-dog waykes up at 6 ow somefing like dat. Da details iss no impowtants.

Dis mowning, Iz did bwing meeself upstaiws like I does to come into bed. Mudda had no come down to get mee, but Iz fort "No! I sabes hew da effowt!! Shee mee mudda, shee can welaxes in bed, Iz bwing meeself up.". So Iz did.

Da doow was no open so Iz cwied so dey woulds know iss time to let mee in and doo yo know what dey sed????


Goo aways?!?!? Half past thwee in de mowning?!?!?

Iz no happee. Iz told dem dis. Iz 'specting an apolozies.

Goo aways.....pffffffffft!!!

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