Eberyfin smells pwettyy good fwom here!!!

Eberyfin smells pwettyy good fwom here!!!

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Iss Been a Busy One...

Today I 'as had de mos' busy day Iz ebew had in all mee seben yeaws. Iss bawely beliebable.

Da day stawted wiff da
Buttew Heist Incidents. Mee cannot go into too much details hewe until de indiwual's family habs been notified. But dere was a fatality. A buttew-fatality. Pwease click on de link fow mowe details:

Den mee went to da gwoomews wiff Mummee and da weceptionist dere has a Beagle dat comes to wowk wiff hew, so weez said hi to eachudda. Weez twied to get a foto wiff hew in focus but sheez was faw too intewested in sniffin meez botty. Iss a nice botty dough, weez can no blame hew.

Whilst I was at de gwoomews, Mudda went to da flowew shop to buy some flowews fow meez Gwan (Daddee's Mudda) and dere was two bewy fat men-flowists dere. Whilst dey was mayking up da bouquet, dey was singing songs fwom Moosicals, until dey boff got cawwied away and ended wabing dey hands in de aiw, one ob dem on a chaiw, sewenading mudda wiff "I Dweamed A Dweam" fwom Les Misewablés (pwonounced "Lay Mis-err-rar-blay"...unless yoos mee Daddeez, den iss pwonounced "Lez (like Lesley) Mis-rab-bulls"....Les Miserables, hewe to fix yoos leaky taps!!! Meez Daddeez iss a funnee man...:-/).

Anyway, aftew dey had finished da singin', dey mayde quite a nice flowew-fing:

Den Mudda came and fetched meez and Iz was soopew-fluffee and bouffants: 

Den weez got da bus home and mee got fussed by an old laydee and some men from Da Chuwch Ob Mowmon (dey was all weawing matching clothes and dey had name badges on). Mudda told dem Iz was goin to da Willows and about meez poowly eye and da Mowmon-men did a pwayew fow mee and meez poowly eye!!! On da bus!!! It was fwuity-loops!!!

Weez got home and den weez dwobe to Biwminghams to da eye speshulist and sheez sed mee eye iss much beddew, da wedness is neawly all gone and dey blistews iss ALL GONE!!!

Hewe iss a foto ob meez eye, pwease ignowe da haiw on meez eyeball!!

Dis it now:

Dis it befowe:

Aftew meez appointment, while mudda was signin' de fowms at de weception, a man comes up and asks meez Gwan-in-law if dey can film us whilst weez sat waitin fow Mudda!!! Mee too!!!

Gwan said yes, so dey did a liddle intewvoo wiff hew and mee, fow a pilot fow a show dat might bee on da BBCs!!!!

Dey asked Gwan some questions and Iz sat dere lookin like a film-staw, except Iz was excited, so Iz dwibbled a bit and meez lipstick came owt. Jus' like Bwad Pitts and Johnny Depps when deys intewvooed. Unfowtunately, Mudda was too excited to tayke fotos, but if da show goes on da telly, mee won't need hew as mee fotogwaphew, da pappywazzi will catch meez ebewy mobe.

Aftew all dis excitements, Iz was mowe den weady to goo home and when Iz finally got back, Mudda suwpwised meez wiff dis toy fow being such a good boy today (except fow da Buttew Incident)...and because shee no want meez to fowget hew when meez famous...

It was a bewy busy day.


Da back stowy:

Mudda and Daddee put buttew on dey toasts and dey cwumpets and in da mashedy tatoes and fings like dat. I doesn't get toasts OW cwumpets OW mashedy tatoes half as much as I shoulds, so Iz no expewt in da buttew-depawtments, except fow what Iz obsewbed in passings.

Dey keeps da buttew in dis speshul cage fow buttew-cwiminals:


Dis mowning Mudda used de las' ob da buttew in da buttew cage on hew fwuit toast and shee washed be buttew cage and left it to dwy on da dwainew.

Shee left da noo packet ob buttew on de sideboawd to softens whilst da buttew cage was dwying and went off to doo somefings in de udda woom, leabing da buttew fwee to escape if it wanted!!!

It did want to escape. It did unwrap itself and some ob it did wanish. Maybee mowe ob it would hab escaped if Mudda had not comes back den and caught meez appwehending da buttew-cwiminal. Wid mee mouf.

Unfowtunatelys, da buttew-cwiminal weceibed some injuwies in de couwse ob de awwest in de fowm ob bite mawks and had to beez sent to da bin-hospital to wecobew. And my effowts....my effowts in keepings da kitchun sayfe fwom buttew-cwiminals went unwecognised. But Iz no do dis job fow da pwaise, da giwls, da monies...Iz do it to keep da kitchuns sayfe.

So until next time...watch yoos backs. And yoos buttews.