Eberyfin smells pwettyy good fwom here!!!

Eberyfin smells pwettyy good fwom here!!!

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Twickin and Tweatin

Good ebenings!

Yesterday it was Halloween, so we did hab lots of tweats in da house, but not as many as we should hab had. Da weason for dis was, to no one's surpwise, me mudda. Let me elabowate....

On da Fursday before Halloween, mum did buy a pack of da Milky Bar buttons (fun-size) a pack of da Cadbuwy's buttons (fun-size) and a pack of da Hawibos (fun-size). Now, before we goes any further, I mus' explain da when dey calls dem "fun-size", dis does mean "TINY-SMALL SIZE" - which is not as fun as yous might imagine....

So, mudda 'as all dese liddle bags of chocs and sweets and dey is all in da big bowl togedda, jus' waitin' for da twick or tweaters...cept mudda does know dey is all dere, waitin'...jus' waitin' to be ate....

So, to cut da long stowy short, dere was lots of bags of Hawibos for da twicky tweaters (mudda not eat fings wid gelatine in dem)...but not many bags of buttons....milky or udderwise....

Did I say not many? Sorry, I meant none.

So, da twicky tweaters had Hawibos, mum had buttons, dad had a nap and I had some of all da above.

It was a bewy nice Halloween.

The end.

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Da Wellybob's Funewal and Da Twicky Blogspot

Hewwo dere weaders!

Dis is me second blog, jus' to let you knows what's 'appening wid me life and me world and ob course, how it smells....

Yesterday was quite de emotional day for me poor old mudda....her wellybobs, what she has had for 11 years and did paint wid flowers and pwetty fings, did spwing a leak....and dey did hab to go.

We did hold a metaphowical funeral for dem, at da Blackpool Pier (Mudda has asked dat should she die unexpectedly, no one does wead dis and hinterpret it as nice way to send 'er off....she says iffen she's goin' off a Pier, she wants it to be somewhere widdout a Pleasure Beach please)....at da funewal, we did all bow our heads and light candles (except for Bessie, who did light a sparkler, which I will admit is quite avant garde for da funewal)....and we did all sing a pwayer to see dem safely on dere way.....ifffen you would like to bow yous heads now and join me in song....

Amazing wellybobs
How sweet the boots
That saved a Beagle like me
They once got lost, but then got found
Was dirty but now they're clean

'Twas wellybobs that taught my heart to fear
And wellybobs my fears relieved
How precious did that wellybobs appear
The hour I first believed
My wellybobs are gone
They've been set free

I fank yous.

And now, for da final part of me blog, I would like to weport on a little pwoblem I is habin'....I CAN'T FIND ME BLOG!!!!! I KNOW IT'S WOUND 'ERE SOMEWHERE!!! What I means is, I go to the googles, I sign meself in...but den I'm not sure how to find me world....so da honly way I can find it is iffen I click off da posted link on Facemuck!!!!

Mum 'as twied to look for it too but she's blimmin' useless....I fink I might send 'er down da polytechnic for some 'pooter lessons...but in da meanwhile, WHERE'S DA BLINKIN' BLOG GONE!?!?! Answers on a postcard please......

And in case you wonderin', Blackpool did smell of candyfluff, Bessie did smell of mushy peas, da wellybobs did smell of feet and mud and da polytechnic does smell of Clearasil, chip cobs and teen-odour (not to be confused wid teen-spirit).....and I dunno what me blog smells like, iffen I eber finds it, I'll let yous know!!!!

Thursday, 27 October 2011

My bewy first blog

Good ebenings!

Tonight I did learn about blogs - what dey is for, what dey does do....an' I was bewy intewested....

So, I 'as set dis up, to tell you fings what does happen fwom my angle (genewally about 60 degwees)...iffen you don't like it, dats fine....cos whilst yous weadin' dis, I'm in yous kitchen, eatin' yous bizkwits.....bwhahahahahahaaa!!! Not weallly......I left yous kitchen ages ago, whilst you was twyin' to work how tall I am fwom da angle!!!

So, I wud like to waise me glass (and me best monkey toy) to da future and to fank eberyone for weading....and I hopes to let you knows all about whats 'appening and how it smells!!